Basic Courses

Mandatory; successful completion results in 3.5 ECTS

B1. Fundamentals of methodology of research.
Study design; addressing bias; standard operating procedures; method validation and quality control; scientific integrity; sex/gender issues (0.4 ECTS)
Lead and contributors: Bruno (UP), Verberk (ML), Poglitsch (ATT)
Type: Lectures + CBL
Month: M8, M14, M20

B2. From science to products and services.
Systematic review; IP aspects; exploring societal needs/impact; cost effectiveness; market perspectives & research, business planning (0.2 ECTS)
Lead and contributors: Poglitsch (ATT), Rivollet (T2M)
Type: Lectures + CBL
Month: M8, M14, M20

B3. Hypertension, the fundamentals.
Current definitions and subtypes, experimental & clinical-epidemiological perspectives, and scientific challenges. Including diastolic-systolic-mixed hypertension, macro- and microvascular signs, and resistant hypertension (0.2 ECTS)
Lead and contributors: Unger (UM), Kroon (UM)
Type: Lecture
Month: M8, M14

B4. Endocrine aspects in HT.
Endocrine aspects of HT, including renal/RAAS pathophysiology, primary aldosteronism, -reninism, and -hyperparathyroidism, and low-renin hypertension (0.2 ECTS)
Lead and contributors: Rossi (UNIPD), Zennaro (UP)
Type: Lecture
Month: M8, M14

B5. Vascular aspects of HT.
Introduction to vascular aspects of HT; micro- & macro-vascular pathophysiology and phenotyping, and systems medicine in vascular risk assessment (0.2 ECTS)
Lead and contributors: Delles (UGLA)
Type: Lecture
Month: M8, M14

B6. Systems approach to HT & methodologies.
Introduction to systems theory, and a conceptual thinking model for individual projects and joint research. Includes a webinar to develop systems thinking and a model simulator workshop on circulatory dynamics in hypertension (0.2 ECTS)
Lead and contributors: Reesink (UM), Verberk (ML)
Type: Lecture + Workshop
Month: M8, M14

B7. Networks and inclusivity in hypertension.
A professional perspective and introduction to research networks, how & why to join (or start one), including gender and inclusivity perspectives (0.1 ECTS
Lead and contributors: Touyz (UGLA), Bruno (UP)
Type: Workshop
Month: M20, M26

B8. Healthcare innovation & impact.
Covering scientific storytelling, physician & patient education; professional vascular health technologies; ESR Q&A session (0.4 ECTS)
Lead and contributors: Russell (BSA), Verberk (ML)
Type: Seminar
Month: M20, M26

B9. Technology innovation & impact.
Covering data-driven innovation of knowledge, towards discovering new bio-signals, and useful integration of analytics platforms; ESR Q&A session (0.4 ECTS)
Lead and contributors: Thelen (TMC), Bianchini (QUI), Campo (WIT)
Type: Seminar + CBL
Month: M26

ECTS, European credit transfer system. #First session is indicated: courses will be offered twice to allow full participation. CBL, case-based learning.